In swift 2.2, We could mutate a struct or enum within a closure, when it was inside a mutating function. But in swift 3.0 its no longer possible. I get the following error
closure cannot implicitly captured a mutating self parameter
Here is a code snippet,
struct Point {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
mutating func moveBy(x deltaX: Double, y deltaY: Double) {
x += deltaX
y += deltaY
test { (a) -> Void in
// Get the Error in the below line.
self.x = Double(a)
mutating func test(myClosure: @escaping (_ a: Double) -> Void) {
I get that value types are not supposed to be mutable. I have cases, where I do have to modify one variable in the struct within one of the functions, when I receive the API response. (In the completion closure)
Is what I was doing in swift 2.2, impossible or is there way to accomplish this?
The problem is that @escaping closures can be stored for later execution:
Since the closure can be stored and live outside the scope of the function, the struct/enum inside the closure (self) will be copied (it is a value) as a parameter of the closure. And, if it was allowed to mutate, the closure could have an old copy of it, causing unwanted results.
So, in answer to your question, you cannot; unless you are able to remove "@escaping" (not your case because it's a 3rd party API)
Yeah, you can do something like this.
Struct is value type. So when use as Model or ModelView, you can make up a closure with new Value to VC.