I was looking at Apple's Lister (for Apple Watch, iOS, and OS X) sample. The sample performs a test for iOS and OS X:
#import <TargetConditionals.h>
@import ListerKit;
@import ListerKitOSX;
However, there is no test for TARGET_OS_WATCH
or similar. Grepping for watch
in TargetConditionals.h
delivers no hits:
$ cat /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer
/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk/usr/include/TargetConditionals.h | grep -i watch
From TargetConditionals.h
, I know there are:
These conditionals specify in which Operating System the generated code will run. The MAC/WIN32/UNIX conditionals are mutually exclusive. The EMBEDDED/IPHONE conditionals are variants of TARGET_OS_MAC. TARGET_OS_MAC - Generate code will run under Mac OS TARGET_OS_WIN32 - Generate code will run under 32-bit Windows TARGET_OS_UNIX - Generate code will run under some non Mac OS X unix TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED - Generate code will run under an embedded OS variant of TARGET_OS_MAC TARGET_OS_IPHONE - Generate code will run under iPhone OS which is a variant of TARGET_OS_MAC. TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR - Generate code for running under iPhone Simulator
Question: Is there a preprocessor for Apple's watch?
I'm tagging with ios, but I'm not sure that's the correct OS for this question.
The list below was compiled from iPhone's TargetConditionals.h
. The Simulator and OS X are similar (they just have different bits set to 1):
#define TARGET_OS_MAC 1
#define TARGET_OS_WIN32 0
#define TARGET_OS_UNIX 0
Questions: Does the watch use TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED
? Does the watch omit TARGET_OS_IPHONE
With the current WatchKit SDK, all code in a Watch application runs on the phone it’s paired with, so there’s no point at which your preprocessor is going to encounter code that’s going to run on the Watch and thus not much use for a macro to tell it what to do when it does. The code in the ListerWatch target of the sample you linked to will run as an extension on the iPhone and talk to its watch UI via WatchKit.
As of watchOS 2.0, you can run native code on the watch, so this is a more relevant question.
I'm using the first early beta of watchOS 2, so this may change, but right now,
is set to 1 on watchOS.(Also, be careful:
is also set to 1 on watchOS, thoughTARGET_OS_IOS
is 0.)You can find all kind of target conditionals in the TargetConditionals.h (cmd + shift + o and type TargetConditionals.h).
In this list you can find a list like this and many more useful defines. Currently it does contain TARGET_OS_WATCH since WatchOS 2. For WatchOS 1 it was not possible to run custom code on the watch so it was not needed back then since everything ran on the phone itself.
Swift Addition
Some other valid values: iOS, OSX, tvOS
A small explanation about this and more http://nshipster.com/swift-system-version-checking/
At the bottom of this document https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/InteractingWithCAPIs.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH8-XID_15#Build Configurations Under the section 'Build Configurations' you can find a (hopefully) up to date list with all these values that are currently available
There is no WatchKit or app extension target conditional. But you can create your own per-target conditionals that you use in the same way.
If you look in the "Build Settings" section for any target, there's a section called "Other C Flags". Add an entry for the WatchKit target. If you add something like
, you can then do#if MY_WATCHKIT_FLAG
in code.Make your custom flag, well, custom. It's not impossible that Apple might add a flag in the future called something like
or whatever. Use a prefix on the flag name to make it specific to you.