I have a RecyclerView (with LinearLayoutManager) and a custom RecyclerView.ItemDecoration for it.
Let's say, I want to have buttons in the decoration view (for some reason..).
I inflate the layout with button, it draws properly. But I can't make the button clickable. If I press on it, nothing happening(it stays the same, no pressing effect) and onClick event is not firing.
The structure of ItemDecoration layout is
And I'm trying to set listener in ViewHolder of the decoration
class ItemDecorationHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
public TextView header;
public Button button;
public HeaderHolder(View itemView) {
header = (TextView)itemView.findViewById(R.id.header);
button = (Button)itemView.findViewById(R.id.button);
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
//.. Show toast, etc.
And i'm drawing the decoration in onDrawOver method. (actually, I'm modifying this codebase: https://github.com/edubarr/header-decor )
Any ideas? Is it doable?
While the real header is scroll off the screen, the visible one is drawing on canvas directly ,not like a normal interactive widget.
You have these options
As Neil is pointing out, things are getting more complicated than that. However by definition you can't.
So, why not including good libraries that do that and more? I propose my hard work for clickable sticky header in my FlexibleAdapter project, which uses a real view (not decorators) to handle click events on headers when sticky.
There's also a working demo and a Wiki page on that part (and not only).
In addition to what Neil said, the answer here might help. Passing MotionEvents from RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener to GestureDetectorCompat
And then you just need to calculate the height of the header and see if the click falls onto that header view and handle the event yourself.