I have a script with an exception handler. This exception handler cleans up a couple connections, prior to the script exiting after an exception.
I would like to re-throw the exception from this exception handler so that it is handled by PHP's own last-resort exception handler, where the error is written to PHP's error log, or whatever the default is, as configured in PHP.ini.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem like a possibility, as outlined here:
Will cause a Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame
Is there another way to bubble the error up the stack so that PHP handles it after my exception handler is done cleaning up?
You can not re-throw from the exception handler, however, there are other places you can. For example you can de-couple the re-throw from the handler by encapsulating things into a class of it's own and then use the
function (PHP 5.3, Demo):Put this into my error log:
This error means that your exception is thrown from a code that is not part of the script (as far as PHP knows). Examples of such code include custom exception handler set with set_exception_handler() and any class destructor method. There's no choice but to NOT throw an exception from such a code.
If you want PHP native error handling, I'd suggest you to call trigger_error() instead. It should log the error if you don't have custom error handler and you use suitable error type. For example, E_USER_ERROR should be fine.
From http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.set-exception-handler.php#88082 i read: Another solution is to restore the error handler at the beginning of the exception handler. Have you tried it?
Just rethrow the exception as a RunTimeException and it will keep the stacktrace :)
Just catch the exception and log the message yourself, then rethrow.
If you bubble up to the top and PHP is unable to handle, it will result in uncaught exception.