I need to generate an absolute url to an ASP.NET Web API for a later callback/redirection.
The link can be generated using
Url.Link("RouteName", new { controller = "Controller", action = "Action" });
This returns the correct Url, however, I need it to always be https. Url.Link appears to generate a url using the scheme of the current request. For example, if the request generating the url is something like http://www.myhost.com/controller/generateUrl then Url.Link generates an http url. If the request generating the url is https://www.myhost.com/controller/generateUrl then Url.Link generates an https url.
The url needs to always be generated using https. Is there a parameter or route value that can be passed to Url.Link to achieve this?
It doesn't seem possible with
I would check the HttpRequest and change it to https to get all
to return an https link.Something like: