I'm trying to use PIVOT in Oracle and I'm getting a weird result. It's probably just an option I need to set but what I know about Oracle/SQL I could fit into this comment box.
Here's an example of my query:
with testdata as
select 'Fred' First_Name, 10 Items from dual
select 'John' First_Name, 5 Items from dual
select 'Jane' First_Name, 12 Items from dual
select 'Fred' First_Name, 15 Items from dual
select * from testdata
pivot (
for First_Name
in ('Fred','John','Jane')
The results come out as I expected except the Column names have single quotes around them (picture from Toad - if I export to Excel the quotes get carried to Excel):
How do I get rid of the single quotes around the column names? I tried taking them out in the "in" clause and I get an error:
in (Fred,John,Jane)
I also tried replacing the single quotes with double quotes and got the same error. I don't know if this is an Oracle option I need to set/unset before running my query or a Toad thing.
you can provide aliases to the new columns in the 'IN' clause.
and also for your aggregate clause which is necessary if you have multiple clauses..
Of course you can then go full circle and use standard oracle aliasing and rename them to whatever you like including putting quotes back in again..