I have the same problem posted here: LINQ to Entities group-by failure using .date
However, the answer is not 100% correct. It works in all cases except when different timezones are used. When different timezones are used, it also groups on timezones. Why? I managed to bypass this by using many entity functions.
int localOffset= Convert.ToInt32(
var results = (
from perfEntry in db.entry
where (....)
select new {
perfEntry.Operation, perfEntry.Duration,
localTime = EntityFunctions.AddMinutes(perfEntry.Start,
localOffset - EntityFunctions.GetTotalOffsetMinutes(
).GroupBy(x => new {
Time = EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(
x.localTime.Value.Month, x.localTime.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0)),
x.Operation }
).OrderByDescending(a => a.Key).
Select(g => new {
Time = g.Key.Time,
Is there someone out there who knows how to do this the proper way? This code is so ugly and probably very inefficient.
UPDATE (warning):
I also realised that the function EntityFunctions.CreateDateTime suffers from a bug. Its not compatible with leap years, such as this year. 29 feb 2012 will throw an exception.
You can use UTC DateTime and trunkate the time after it.