string spName = "usp_Test_Procedure.sql";
var tfsPp = new TeamProjectPicker(TeamProjectPickerMode.SingleProject, false);
_tfs = tfsPp.SelectedTeamProjectCollection;
if (tfsPp.SelectedProjects.Any())
_selectedTeamProject = tfsPp.SelectedProjects[0];
string selectedProjectName = _selectedTeamProject.Name;
var tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(_tfs.Uri);
var vsStore = tfs.GetService<VersionControlServer>();
var project = "project";
var branchVersion = "1.0.0";
var folders = vsStore.GetItems("$/" + selectedProjectName + "/*", RecursionType.Full);
How to search for a specific file in the source control of TFS inside a particular selected project and also selected branchversion in the dropdown menu by the user from the c# UI winforms application?
Here the file I need to search is usp_Test_Procedure.sql
which is present in the following path
Actually I am getting the above path from the foolowing code:
But I need to know how to search for a specific file in the source control of TFS inside a particular selected project and also selected branchversion? Thanks.
If you want to search by content and name you can create a workspace and "get" that specific version locally. Then use the built in search in your OS or in Visual Studio to find what you are looking for.
Install TFS Power Tools, on Source Control windows click with right button on Team Project or branch, on context menu choose Find > Find by Wildcard, just search files by names, not content.