To get Scrapy working on HTTPS, I need PyOpenSSL, but I can't seem to get this to work.
So, is there a 64-bit version available? I don't see one... I have installed the 32-bit version but...
I currently get this error back from Scrapy:
ERROR: Error downloading <https://SOME_PRIVATE_URL_HERE>:
[Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'scrapy.exceptions.NotSupported'>:
HTTPS not supported: install pyopenssl library
Does anyone have a clue how to obtain or compile a 64-bit version? Or is that unneccesary? provides Windows 32-bit and 64-bit installers. I just downloaded and installed the Windows 64-bit installer for Python 2.6 and it resolved my issue.
Your problem is that PyOpenSSL is not installed. You don't say, but I infer from your question that you have installed a 32 bit version of PyOpenSSL but are using a 64 bit version of Python. That won't work.
If you really can't get a 64 bit version of PyOpenSSL, then the simplest, and possibly the only, solution will be to install 32 bit versions of Python, Scrapy and all its dependencies. If you are feeling brave then you could attempt to compile from source for 64 bit but I don't know enough about PyOpenSSL to say whether or not that's practical.
Actually, step 9 at this website will resolve your issue.
EDIT: Including the content from steamforge:
Install Procedure
Using the left pane navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python” & click on it (highlighting it in blue)
Now download the Scrapy 0.14 Windows installer from
Download and install Zope.Interface
Download and install from
Download and install from
Install w3lib
Now we just need to add the Python Scripts folder to the System Path so we can use scrapy