In Ghost, the markdown for image is
Is there a hidden format for adding a class in the img
tag? Or is this feature not in Ghost yet?
I wanted to have a result like this:
<img src="src" alt="alt" class="img-thumbnail">
I don't want to use the html markup. I really need to achieve this using markdown. Please help..
in ghost the file post.hbs rendering de {{content}} whit class .kg-card-markdown you can create this function for js add class in all image in post content
In plain markdown classes for images are not possible. In some implementations it is possible, e.g. markdown extra uses
![alt](src) {.class}
. I tried it, but in Ghost it is not possible, neither![alt|img-thumbnail](src)
. Also no hints in the doku.But you can use a workaround if you use the src as css-attribute.
Just add an 'useless' hash to the url:
and adress this in css or js
img[src$='#img-thumbnail'] { float:left;}
You can add them through jQuery with the following code before the body end tag on the default.hbs file
this is perhaps too obvious but you can put it in any element you wish i.e.
and then use css inheritance
since markup in ghost supports html (probably most do) you can also do regular <img...> tags as well
in ghost the file post.hbs rendering de {{content}} whit class .kg-card-markdown u can use css to whit sass