Heroku deployment works like a charm in at my home.
But my office network restricts ssh which blocks the command "git push heroku master" Is there a way to use a https url of the heroku git repository to push my app.
Heroku deployment works like a charm in at my home.
But my office network restricts ssh which blocks the command "git push heroku master" Is there a way to use a https url of the heroku git repository to push my app.
Heroku now supports GIT over HTTP (this is a beta feature). Check https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/http-git. https://git.heroku.com/{app-name}.git will be the URL for your repo.
Heroku now has full HTTP Git support and is the default option for new apps. If you want to change an existing app from SSH Git to HTTP Git, run:
and then push like normal:
For details, see the documentation.
This plugin for heroku toolbelt allows you to push over https:
You can push to heroku git only through ssh.
Update(per @ryanbrainard comment): HTTP Git is now GA https://blog.heroku.com/archives/2014/12/5/http_git_now_generally_available