I want to do a POST request to an HTTP Servlet I wrote myself. Good case (HTTP response Code 200) always works fine by using URL.openConnection() method. But when I receive a desired error response code (e.g. 400) then I thought I have to use HttpUrlConnection.getErrorStream(). But the ErrorStream object is null though I am sending data back from the servlet in error case (I want to evaluate this data to generate error messages). This is what my code looks like:
HttpURLConnection con = null;
try {
//Generating request String
String request = "request="+URLEncoder.encode(xmlGenerator.getStringFromDocument(xmlGenerator.generateConnectRequest(1234)),"UTF-8");
//Receiving HttpUrlConnection (DoOutput = true; RequestMethod is set to "POST")
con = openConnection();
if (con != null){
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(con.getOutputStream());
InputStream errorstream = con.getErrorStream();
BufferedReader br = null;
if (errorstream == null){
InputStream inputstream = con.getInputStream();
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputstream));
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(errorstream));
String response = "";
String nachricht;
while ((nachricht = br.readLine()) != null){
response += nachricht;
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
So my question is, why returns getErrorStream() null though status code is 400 (I can see it in the IOException that is thrown when it calls con.getInputStream())
As suggested in the Android documentation:
From the java documentation on getErrorStream():
So if you didn't get to the server (bad url for example) or the server didn't send anything in the response, getErrorStream() will return null.
It is like when you set response header status code as anything beyond 200, the connection object is reset. it will generate SocketTimeoutException while getting the inputstream but when it comes in the catch it gives you the inputstream anyway, what you are expecting.
Digging a little bit into JDK code, I finally find the reason. HttpURLConnection#getErrorStream() returns null when receiving a 401 or 407, not because the noop implementation in the abstract class, but because HttpURLConnection closes/clears the connection immediately if it sees a 401/407 when in streaming mode(i.e., POST). See the source of the concrete implementation of HttpURLConnection: http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/root/jdk/openjdk/6-b14/sun/net/www/protocol/http/HttpURLConnection.java#1079
That said, when you catch an IOException when calling getInputStream(), the connection to server is already closed and the underlining socket is cleared, so you would always get null when calling getErrorStream().
The other options many have suggested is to check the status code before calling getInputStream or getErrorStream. This won't for 401 and 407 either because the internal errorStream is only set when you call getInputStream, i.e., it's a basically a copy of the inputStream when status code != 200. But again when you call getInputStream, the connection will be closed.
Put the statement
before execute the request and the connection will not be closed, even receiving 401 status.