How do I store data to be used for all the clients in my server? (like the messages of a chat)
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I wrote Bx for this purpose; it gives you a simple in-memory cache with:
Although I'm plugging my own repository here, I can assure you it works well and it's been used in production at my own company, Onshape for over a year without issues. At the end of the day it's a pretty simple tool; not much to mess up here.
However, if you're storing data that's meant to be permanent you're going to want a database such as MongoDB (w/ Mongoose), MySQL, etc. rather than a cache like Bx or Redis.
If you want more features have a look at redis-node-client
The server that node.js allows you to build, is an application server, which means that state is preserved, between request, on the server side. The following snippet demonstrates this:
node-cache package is currently the best for key value store and it allows synchronous as well as async storage/retrieval/deletion of keys.
npm link
Or use a native node storage mechanism (written in node.js)