Using Python 2.7 and
In [150]: psycopg2.version Out[150]: '2.4.2 (dt dec pq3 ext)'
I have a simple python scripts that processing transactions and writes data to a database. Occasionally there is an insert that violates my primary key. This is fine, i just want it to ignore that record and continue on it merry way. The problem I am having is that psycopg2 primary key error is aborting the entire transaction block and all inserts after the error fail. Here is an example error
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "encounter_id_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (encounter_id)=(9012235) already exists.
This is on the next insert. not a violation.
Inserting: 0163168~9024065
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
The Second error repeats itself for every insert. Here is a simplified loop. I am looping through a pandas data frame, but it could be any loop.
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='XXXX' user='XXXXX' host='XXXX' password='XXXXX'")
cur = conn.cursor()
for i, val in df2.iteritems():
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""insert into encounter_id_table (
encounter_id,current_date )
(%(create_date)s, %(encounter_id)s ) ;""",
'create_date': })
except Exception , e:
print 'ERROR:', e[0]
Again the basic idea is to gracefully handle the Error. In the dictum of Admiral Nelson of the Royal Navy: "Damn the maneuvers go straight at them". Or in our case damn the Errors go straight at them." I thought by opening a cursor on every insert that I would be resetting the transaction block. I do not want to have to reset the connection just because of a primary key error. Is there something i am just missing?
Thanks before hand for your time.
First of all:
is a reserved word in every SQL standard as well as in PostgreSQL. You cannot use it as identifier without double-quoting it. I would strongly advice not to use it at all. I renamed the column tocurdate
in my exampleNext, I am no expert in python syntax, but you seem to have reversed the order of your insert-columns:
Should be:
To your main question: you can avoid the problem altogether by checking if the key is already in the table before using it in the insert command:
In Python syntax, that should be:
You should rollback transaction on error.
I've added one more
construction in the code bellow to show the exact place where exception will occur.