In the Documentation for Google Analytics Collection Limits and Quotas
It gives the rate limits
that are implemented by the various Google-provided libraries. I can't seem to find a published rate limit for users that are POSTing directly to measurement protocol (
Is there one and if so what is it?
Edit on 10 July 2015 -
A few commenters asked for an example of the kind of data I am sending in.
Using a series of calls to wget with a sleep of one second between each call.
Here is an example with the app name and tracking code removed:
wget -nv --post-data 'ul=en&qt=7150000&av=0.0.1&ea=PLET&v=1&tid=<my_tracking_code>&ec=Move+to+Object&cid=1434738538-738-654031&an=<my_app_name>&t=event' -O /dev/null ''
I've tried sending these queries to the /debug endpoint and all of them are valid. My first upload worked as expected and reports looked good. Subsequent uploads of the same data set to different GA properties have had mixed results. Sometimes no data appears in reports. Sometimes partial data appears in reports. During upload, realtime reports always show activity, though.
Last Update: Please watch this video which explains all GA quotas policies:
In particular, your issue might be result of 10 requests / 1 second limitation:
I can confirm the same thing. In my case I had own buildHitTask which constructs URL for a measurement protocol request (MPR) and stores it in the hitPayload field. But instead of original GA reporting - I was saving those URLs into cookies for delayed reporting.
In my experiment, only 10-20% of 2,000 measurement protocol requests were actually "stored".
Rest of hits are not available in GA Reporting UI, neither API or BigQuery. Each request was sent with 2 seconds delay via new Image() method, and slowdown in case of errors. Received results are not consistent. Both success and failed hits are randomly distributed across whole time period.
Please let me know in case if you find more details on this constraint!
Directly from the documentation Google Analytics Collection Limits and Quotas
Measurement protocol
Now I agree it doesn't specifically state the
per second it rate
for measurement protocol but the above one dumped Measurement in with analytics.js so I think we can assume itsBut just to make sure I am sending an email off to the development team they should make it more clear where the per second rate of the measurement protocol lies. I will repost here when I hear from them
Response from Google
There is no limit to sending data through the measurement protocol. But when the data is processed limit may be applied. I think they may be referring to the max 2 million hits a month. It seems it's the libraries that apply limits on how fast you can send data not the measurement protocol directly.