I'm trying send my app(custom keyboard) for submit and catch this error:
I created Provisioning Profiles for Project(com.michilly.SakhaKeyboard) and for Extension(com.michilly.SakhaKeyboard.Keyboard)
I'm trying send my app(custom keyboard) for submit and catch this error:
I created Provisioning Profiles for Project(com.michilly.SakhaKeyboard) and for Extension(com.michilly.SakhaKeyboard.Keyboard)
The Bundle Identifider is case sensitive.
For me, I have to change in the "Supporting Files" - Info.plist - Bundle Identifer from com.nebitrams.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier) to com.nebitrams.dandelion123
After that it works since it matches the letter case in iTunesConnect Bundle Identifier.
Im my case I created the app with given Bundle ID, then created identifier and provisioning profiles on Apple Developer but forgot to add new app in iTunes Connect.
Make sure the following two values match: