I'm using wordpress with woocommerce, and I would like to automate the following step. When an order is completed, I would like to change the user role associated with that order id from 'customer' to 'subscriber'.
By searching around, I think I should be able to accomplish this by using a hook in functions.php:
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', 'change_role_from_customer_to_subscriber' );
Then add the function:
function change_role_from_customer_to_subscriber($order_id){
// code to change role to subscriber
In the code, I think I need to do 2 things:
1) get the user id that is associated with that order id
2) change role of that user id to subscriber
I've tried a lot, but I couldn't get it to work (neither getting the right user id, nor changing the role of a user id). So any help would be appreciated! I've seen 2 related questions asked before on stack overflow, but unfortunately the answers there did not work for me. I hope someone can help me out!
Thanks a lot! :)
Helgatheviking from wordpress answers came up with this piece of code:
For some unknown reason it took several tries, but it worked! Thanks everyone for the help! :)
You could do the following:
Add this to your above function, and it will do the trick.