I started developing an android app that have to interact with MMS attachements, in particular, get attachements such as text, bitmaps, audio, video etc. and store them on the phone in a specific folder.
So i started reading some books and some post on the web but it isn't a very common argument, and i didn't find an official way to do what i want to do.
I found a fairly good article here on stack-overflow here: How to Read MMS Data in Android?... it works very well for me, but there are 2 problems:
- The article shows you how to get MMS data by querying over the "hidden" SMS-MMS content provider, and as far as i know, Google doesn't guarantee that they'll keep the current structure in every android's future relase.
- The article only explains how to get Text data and Bitmap data from MMS...what about video/audio? I tried to get a video/audio stream from an InputStream such as the example did with Bitmaps, unfortunately with no luck...
I'm very disappointed about the absence of official tutorial or "How-To" over this argument because SMS and MMS management is a very common need in mobile developement. I hope someone can help me....
Thanks in advance!!
I found a fairly simple way to read Video/Audio data from MMS, so i decided to publish this part of my class that provides MMS attachements, for all users that need this.
In this way you can extract "Raw" data such as Audio/Video/Images from MMS by passing:
Once you have your byte[], you can create an empty File and then use a FileOutputStream to write the byte[] into it. If the file path\extension is correct and if your app has all the right permissions, you'll be able to store your data.
PS. This procedure has been tested a few times and it worked, but i don't exclude can be some unmanaged exception cases that may produce error states. IMHO it can be improoved too...