Is it possible to store data from an XML file to a list in python. For example I have an XML file with the following content:
Is it possible to store into a python list like:
onlinePath = ("http://EEE", "http://EKK")
Name = ("ABC", "DEF")
Yes, it is very possible. Two libraries to help you with this is ElementTree and lxml. Take a look at them.
i don't think it can store it in lists bt it can store it in dictionaries since they have key:values using expat for xml
but can check the entries here
results in
I wrapped your xml in <brochures></brochures> to make it a tree instead of a forest (ie single root node);
If you want to read from a file instead of a string, use lxml.etree.parse() instead of lxml.etree.fromstring()
Check out BeautifulSoup
For short xml file like this, I suggest you minidom.
Hugh's solution is fine. Here is a variation that uses ElementTree (tested with Python 2.6):