I'm currently using the script..
.. to pull the most recent Tweet for a number of users to display on my website. However, I've ran into the problem that the JSON format doesn't display Retweets. I've read from this link that you must use "retweeted_by_me" to also display Retweets by I'm not quite sure how I would merge that with my current script.
response mode
to rss. This will resolve the issue. It might require change in the display code depending on your scripting language though.If you read the GET statuses/user_timeline documentation you fill find that by adding a parameter of
set totrue
it will include retweets.[UPDATE] The following methods apply to Twitter API Version 1 and is Deprecated now.
Use the new twitter API and add
Eg: http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=nikhilkuruvilla&include_rts=trueFull documentation can be found here : http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/statuses/user_timeline