I need add some custom text in Prestashop template file, but there are two languages in my store, and I want to add these contents in different language statically? Can I check current language by language id?
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If you see on editorial block you will understand how to do that.
you can build a module and then hook that to the perticular area.
and generate the text box like
in this way it will save language wise value
You have multiple ways to achieve this goal depending on the kind of .tpl file you are editing:
If it is a .tpl in your Theme, the easiest way is:
{l s='My text to translate'}
If it is .tpl file included in a module, you should do the following:
{l s='My text to translate' mod='modulename'}
In both situations, PrestaShop will automatically translate these strings into the language currently selected by the end user.
If you prefer to manually handle the translation process, you should instead do:
{if $lang_iso == 'en'}English{else}Other language{/if}