Updating various DOM elements after best_in_place

2019-04-02 11:11发布

I have various values in a table that need to be updated after a DOM element is updated using best_in_place. How can you trigger a javascript action like "create.js.erb" called "update.js.erb" after a best in place update?

For example, I have a table of item prices, and I need the table's "total" field to update after a user updates an individual item quantity.

2楼-- · 2019-04-02 11:47

I've seen many people asking this question, but haven't found a satisfactory solution. I found the best approach is to create a javascript function that watches for a particular DOM element to update after an ajax:success, and then use jQuery to update a specified DOM element.

In the controller of the item being updated, I package a JSON response that includes all of the information my javascript will need in order to update DOM elements.

You'll see I also render the new table row's partial as an HTML string, and pass this string along with the JSON response.

___Item Controller_____

    respond_to do |format|
  if @item.update_attributes(params[:item])

    #json response variables to refresh table row after update
    id = [@item]  
    new_row = render_to_string('items/_item.html', :layout => false, :locals => { :item => @item })

    format.json { render :json => { new_row: new_row, id: id, :status => 200 }}
    format.json { render :json => @item.errors.full_messages, :status => :unprocessable_entity }

Then in a .js file that gets loaded with the page (like application.js), I include a function that watches for a table row with class "row_class" to be updated.

$(document).ready(function(row_class, row_id_prefix){

$("." + row_class).on("ajax:success",function(event, data, status, xhr){
    var parsed_data = jQuery.parseJSON(data); //parses string returned by controller into json object

    var id = parsed_data["id"];
    var new_row = parsed_data["new_row"]; //this is an html string that replaces the existing table row

    $('tr#' + row_id_prefix + id).replaceWith(new_row);
    $('tr#' + row_id_prefix + id).effect('highlight');
    $('.best_in_place').best_in_place(); //activates in-place-editing for newly added content.      

You can modify the jQuery to update any DOM element you need. Also, if you need the results of ruby methods called on objects (such as a humanized total, tax total, etc) you can define these as variables in the JSON object in the controller.

Ultimately it'd be best if best_in_place would trigger (in this case) the items/update.js.erb script, but it doesn't look like that's on the roadmap.

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