I am using SpriteBuilder (which integrates with Cocos2d v3.0). I built an app and now I want to put in an iAd at the very top that pops up when I call it, and hides when I tell it to. What's the simplest way to do this?
Keep in mind I am using SpriteBuilder with Cocos2d. And just because I am using SpriteBuilder does not mean I am not using Xcode 5 as well. I am fully involved in Xcode as well. SpriteBuilder does not write the code for me, I do that.
Add iAd framework to your dependencies.
In your header file for your game scene, add the ADBannerViewDelegate, for instance:
In your implementation file, add the instance variable _bannerView:
And finally, insert the the iAD code (with some cocos2d tweaks). Here's my implementation for a game in portrait mode with a top banner. There's no hide method, but it's pretty easy to implement.