I was trying to learn the new layout transition effect in iOS7 collection view.
However, I am unable to get it to work at all. I have attached a screen shot description below.
I am aware that the same Collection View is used between Controllers when this Transition effect is in effect. But, why that collection view is not reloading when transition is happening. I even tried Reloading the collection view an that too failed.
There should be some simple point I should be missing. Help me please.
I have attached the source code below.
UICollectionViewFlowLayout *flowLayout = [[UICollectionViewFlowLayout alloc] init];
flowLayout.itemSize = CGSizeMake(75.0, 70.0);
ALCollectionViewNoXibController* controller = [[ALCollectionViewNoXibController alloc] initWithCollectionViewLayout:flowLayout];
controller.numberOfItems = _numberOfItems-1;
controller.transitionType = _transitionType;
if (_transitionType == kLayoutTransition) {
controller.useLayoutToLayoutNavigationTransitions = YES;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
The new
that you are loading is indeed being used. You can see it if for instance, you doflowLayout.itemSize = CGSizeMake(10.0*_numberOfItems, 10.0*_numberOfItems);
Your issue is that in order to make the transition work, iOS will change your
during the animated transition.Try this:
Make your class a Navigation delegate:
Then set the delegate of the navigation to the current controller, before pushing
Now you can add
This simple example will break when you navigate back to the top controller, because the viewController received is not of
class. But you get the idea.