Is there a way I can get a list of all open applications and a list of all open files? For the files I only need the files that I opened (documents etc) not OS's open system files. The same for the applications (only browsers, document processors etc).
I already tried various functions from the Windows API like EnumWindows but I couldn't get what I wanted.
An example of what my ultimate goal would be, is to have lists like this:
Microsoft Word, Notepad, Mozilla Firefox
foo.txt, foo.mp3, foo.doc
What I need is just the names, I don't need handles etc (even though I'm sure I'll have to use them to get what I want)
You can have a list of running processes with Process.GetProcesses(): But you can have the file they have open if they exposes some automation interface you know.
You can get a list of running processes with their information
The only method (That I know) to see if the process is opened by user or system is to check it's owner. If it's system, then it's not run by user:
For the list of opened files, It is possible to do using Managed Code which is somehow hard. Here is an example on codeproject demonstrating the same matter