I want to integrate elasticsearch in my laravel project.
I have installed using following line :
Run command on terminal :
composer require shift31/laravel-elasticsearch:~1.0
Then i have created elasticsearch.php in app/config/ and added following code.
use Monolog\Logger;
return array(
'hosts' => array(
'your.elasticsearch.server:9200' // what should be my host ?
'logPath' => 'path/to/your/elasticsearch/log',
'logLevel' => Logger::INFO
My first question : What should i write in place of host name
Right now my project is running on local server with localhost:8000.
I have added Shift31\LaravelElasticsearch\ElasticsearchServiceProvider
in app/config/app.php for enable the 'Es' facade.
Above all things done. Now in which file i should add the code of elasticsearch to add, update, delete and search the records.
I have product table I need to add product records in elasticsearch, when update product, records should be update.
I have no idea of the further process. Please guide me I have searched on google but no any example help me.
Create the following helper classes in their respective paths:
A couple of gotchas from the above helper classes:
The default ElasticSearch index is set to the name of the App's Environment
functions are meant for the old laravel 4.2 queue format. I've yet to port those to laravel 5.x. Same goes for theQueue::push
ElasticSearch Mapping:
Top level document is called 'automobile'. Underneath it, you have 'automobile', 'car' & 'car-model'. Consider 'car' & 'car-model' as relations to the automobile. They are known as sub documents on elasticsearch. (See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/document.html)
Model: App\Models\Car.php
Example of Search Query: