I have already read several related threads about SQLite in multi-threaded environments but I could not find a clear statement, so forgive me that I bring up this topic yet another time.
I need to access the application's database from multiple threads to execute update statements. The database itself can be SQLite or MySQL, depending on the users choice. For the MySQL handler, I have implemented a connection pool using the tomcat-jdbc library. Now I am searching the best way for the SQLite handler, since normal connection-pooling should not work as SQLite only supports one writing connection at a time that locks the whole database.
Should I just go ahead and make all Threads using the same connection one after another (by synchronizing the connection?) or should I create a connection pool using the already present tomcat library that holds just connection? Might a connection pool with one connection be oversized?
Since it is single file embedded database, pooling will hardly be beneficial.
Since the original site is down, I will provide the summary:
So the consensus is that pooling is not very beneficial.