These are the fields for Nested Set Model. to manage hierarchical data structures with unbound depth in SQL. The article Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL explains this model details with examples in SQL.
OpenERP uses Nested Set Model to manage trees like chart of accounts and warehouse locations. parent_left and parent_right columns are equivalent to right and left columns in the above articles.
parent_left and parent_right are special fields that are related to
the parent_id field. The purpose of those fields is to make queries
within the hierarchy execute efficiently: with parent_left and
parent_right, you can retrieve all the descendants of a node without
making recursive queries.
Consider two nodes A and B in the hierarchy. A and B can be partner
categories, for instance. Their integer fields parent_left and
parent_right are such that:
B is a descendant of A in the hierarchy (defined by parent_id)
if and only if
A.parent_left < B.parent_left and
A.parent_left < B.parent_right and
B.parent_left < A.parent_right and
B.parent_right < A.parent_right
So, imagine that you have six partner categories like below. You can
assign parent_left and parent_right by traversing the tree. The result
is show in parentheses next to each node. Note that the values there
are optimal; in practice, you can leave gaps in the numbers.
Customers (1, 10)
Consumers (2, 3)
Partners (4, 9)
Basic Partners (5, 6)
Gold Partners (7, 8)
Suppliers (11, 12)
You can retrieve all the subcategories of Customers with a single SQL
query. Note that the values 1 and 10 are the parent_left and
parent_right of Customers; they can be retrieved as part of the query
SELECT id FROM partner_category
WHERE parent_left > 1 AND parent_left < 10
The last remark is that parent_left and parent_right can be updated
without traversing the whole hierarchy. Removing a node does not
require any change. For adding a node, you can adapt the parent_left
and parent_right with two UPDATE queries: one to "make some space"
between the parent_left and parent_right of the new node's ancestors,
and one to shift the parent_left and parent_right of the new node's
following siblings and their descendants. So parent_left and
parent_right can be maintained efficiently.
These are the fields for Nested Set Model. to manage hierarchical data structures with unbound depth in SQL. The article Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL explains this model details with examples in SQL.
OpenERP uses Nested Set Model to manage trees like chart of accounts and warehouse locations.
columns are equivalent toright
columns in the above articles.As Raphael Collet explains in his answer about OpenERP Server: