I want to calculate Daylight hours based on given Latitude and Longitude and DateTime
I mean calculate the time of sunrise and the time of sunset in a specefic Date and based on gegraphic coordinate.
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Check this Latitude and Longitude and Daylight Hours
Here is a python function that returns the number of hours of daylight with arguments of latitude and day of the year(number between 1-356):
I just answered another question, and think that my solution is fitting here aswell. It's a Javascript solution, so you should be able to convert easily to other languages if you need.
I've created a repository under GitHub Sundial it is licenced under the permissive modified BSD license, so you can use it freely in your own projects.
It should be accurate to 0.0001 minutes and takes into account the axial tilt of the earth, and the equation of time.
Sundial AMD Loadable Sun Day Light Calculator
Demo jsFiddle
You can check out a demo of how you might use it on jsfiddle.
And then when I get around to it, check out the sample use cases at the repository. GitHub Sundial
sin24+(24cos-18^12)^(day number of the year)+(latitude)^24= #of daylight hours