I'm starting to develop a website with flex. I need a charting library. It's very important to have good looking and interactive charts. I have been testing charts included in flex builder and fusion charts for flex. Does any body know any other charting library for flex? I don't mind the cost of the library. I prefer to pay and have a great chart. Greetings
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http://www.anychart.com/home/ is a good one.
But it also depends on what you need to chart. Why aren't the Flex ones good enough for you? What do you need? How do you want to interact with it?
You can also check Flexmonster pivot table and chart component.
ILOG Elixir: http://ilog.com/products/ilogelixir
Degrafa: http://www.degrafa.org/samples/
Axiis: http://www.axiis.org/