I've imported all the frameworks required but from that point on I don't quite know what to do (I'm new to Swift and no absolutly nothing about Objective C). Parse docs aren't in Swift yet so can someone please provide me with a starting point?
I've initialized my view controller (which doesn't appear when I run the app, I just get a black screen; but based on this video, I should see a table: https://parse.com/tutorials/parse-query-table)
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
//Link to Parse
Parse.setApplicationId("...", clientKey: "...")
var controller:PFQueryTableViewController = PFQueryTableViewController(className: "test1")
self.window?.rootViewController = controller
return true
Make sure you have imported all the parse SDK's Create a 2 new cocoa touch class', give one the subclass of PFQueryTableViewController and the other PFTableViewCell. Hook them up in the storyboards. Make sure the Tableview and the cell are pointing to these files. Your Tableview file should look something like this;
When you I called cell.info, cell.date. These are IBOutlets I have set up in my CustomTableViewCell file.
i have handle the image with the Alamofireimage-framework. The function is really simple.