I'm trying to execute post request using HttpURLConnection but don't know how to do it correctly.
I can successfully execute request with AndroidAsyncHttp client using following code:
AsyncHttpClient httpClient = new AsyncHttpClient();
httpClient.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
String jsonParamsString = "{\"key\":\"value\"}";
RequestParams requestParams = new RequestParams("request", jsonParamsString);
httpClient.post("<server url>", requestParams, jsonHttpResponseHandler);
The same request can be performed using curl on desktop machine:
curl -A "GYUserAgentAndroid" -d 'request={"key":"value"}' '<server url>'
Both of this methods give me expected response from server.
Now I want to do the same request using HttpURLConnection. The problem is I don't know how to do it correctly. I've tried something like this:
URL url = new URL("<server url>");
HttpURLConnection httpUrlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpUrlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "GYUserAgentAndroid");
httpUrlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
httpUrlConnection.setUseCaches (false);
DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(httpUrlConnection.getOutputStream());
// what should I write here to output stream to post params to server ?
// get response
InputStream responseStream = new BufferedInputStream(httpUrlConnection.getInputStream());
BufferedReader responseStreamReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(responseStream));
String line = "";
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
while ((line = responseStreamReader.readLine()) != null) {
String response = stringBuilder.toString();
JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(response);
// the response is not I'm expecting
return jsonResponse;
How to correctly write the same data as in working examples with AsyncHttpClient and curl to the HttpURLConnection output stream?
Thanks in advance.
You can use the following to post the params
Here you have a request using HttpUrlConnection, what you were missing was just read the value from the server.