I'm looking at starting to use Swift in a framework, which uses libz.dylib
, but it looks like there's no way to import it from within Swift. I tried import zlib
and import libz
, which didn't work. ZLib is already linked to the target.
It seems like the only way to get my Swift code to see the zlib
classes is to import the necessary headers in a bridging header, but framework targets can't have a bridging header, so is there a way to use a dylib?
You can import system modules as described in this answer: Importing CommonCrypto in a Swift framework
to your framework directorymodule.map
file with the following contentsmodule ZLib [system] { header "/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.11.sdk/usr/include/zlib.h" export * }
You might have to change the path to your zlib header. The example works for XCode 7 Beta and El Capitan.
I have added a C/C++ dylib library, with C Public API headers to Swift Project.
Assume that the library is, libModule.dylib.
Create a Directory with "Module"
Create a file module.map inside Module directory
create a directory, this will be the header files directory, any name will serve.
copy all headers into Headers directory
open module.map & copy below contents to it, Swift team suggest, adding prefix C in front of library name, in case if its a C library.
Go to Build Settings -> Swift Compiler - Search Paths
If step 9 is missed, we get famous @rpath/ Image not found crash.
Now Import module in swift as below:
For system library, most steps don't require.. just create directory & module map file with correct header path and do 6, 7. Its seems step 10 not even required as its a system library.