I need help with adding to a database. I want to call a javascript scrt from a button click method. The Javascript Script, I want to call upon a php file which contains some code that adds to a MySQL Database.
I literally tried over 20+ website and No help with the stuff.
If AJAX would be better Could you help me?
The Button Code:
<input type="button" value="favorites1" onClick="favfunct();">
The Javascript Code
function favfunct() {
var target = document.createElement( "script" );
target.setAttribute( "src", "php/addtofavorites.php" );
document.getElementsByTagName( "body" )[0].appendChild( target );`
The Php Code
echo "test successful"
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","student");
if ($_POST["get"] == 'runfunction')
echo "Works";
if ($_POST["action"] == 'favorites1'){
echo "Testing Was Successful"
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("tvid", $con);
$sql="INSERT INTO Persons (userid, davorites) VALUES
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "Your Video was Added To Your Favorites";
I would recommend jQuery,
this is what you need: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.get/
and you can do it in a more advanced way using http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.post/
So, this "works" the same way that hammering a screw in does. It will get in there, but not really the way you want to do things.
Don't use a script tag to trigger a php page. Your page will trigger, but it is the wrong tool to get the job done. You want to use AJAX. AJAX was specifically made for this purpose while a script tag was meant for running scripts on the page. It will try to fetch the contents of
but it will expect JavaScript as the return. And you won't be able to use$_POST
since you have no way to post data to the request.Instead, use AJAX. If you are already using a JavaScript library, then it will have a nice AJAX wrapper for you (I don't know of a single library off the top of my head that doesn't). You can check out the API documentation for you given library for documentation on how to use the AJAX functionality (jQuery, Prototype.js, Mootools, etc.).
As an example, I will use jQuery, because it is one of the most popular ones. Here is a request using jQuery to your page (and what looks to be expected variables)
Also, as a side note, every line in PHP needs a semicolon
at the end of it. Many of yours don't. And the 3rd line is missing an opening bracket{
though I'm not sure if that is just an artifact of your copy paste or not.Addendum
I would recommend using jQuery to listen for events as well. The events API for jQuery will let you listen for events on objects. So, something like this:
and the jQuery