Convert RGB color to the nearest color in palette

2019-03-31 19:36发布

I want to convert a color either in RGB/Hex format to its nearest web-safe color.

Details about a websafe color can be found here:

This website( is able to do the way I want to, but I am not sure how to go about it in Python. Can anyone help me out here?

2楼-- · 2019-03-31 20:21
import scipy.spatial as sp

input_color = (100, 50, 25)
websafe_colors = [(200, 100, 50), ...] # list of web-save colors
tree = sp.KDTree(websafe_colors) # creating k-d tree from web-save colors
ditsance, result = tree.query(input_color) # get Euclidean distance and index of web-save color in tree/list
nearest_color = websafe_colors[result]

Or add loop for several input_colors

About k-dimensional tree

3楼-- · 2019-03-31 20:41

Despite being somewhat of a misnomer, the web safe color palette is indeed quite useful for color quantization. It's simple, fast, flexible, and ubiquitous. It also allows for RGB hex shorthand such as #369 instead of #336699. Here's a walkthrough:

  1. Web safe colors are RGB triplets, with each value being one of the following six: 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, FF. So we can divide the max RGB value 255 by five (one less than the total possible values) to get a multiple value, 51.
  2. Normalize the channel value by dividing by 255 (this makes it a value from 0-1 instead of 0-255).
  3. Multiply by 5, and round the result to make sure it stays exact.
  4. Multiply by 51 to get the final web safe value. All together, this looks something like:

    def getNearestWebSafeColor(r, g, b):
        r = int(round( ( r / 255.0 ) * 5 ) * 51)
        g = int(round( ( g / 255.0 ) * 5 ) * 51)
        b = int(round( ( b / 255.0 ) * 5 ) * 51)
        return (r, g, b)
    print getNearestWebSafeColor(65, 135, 211)

No need to go crazy comparing colors or creating huge lookup tables, as others have suggested. :-)

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