I'm already using the Media Foundation APIs (thanks to MFManagedEncode, http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mf/archive/2010/02/18/mfmanagedencode.aspx) to convert wav to aac. I haven't fully got my head around how this works, but it does work- thankfully.
Now I'm finding it difficult transcoding the other way, even though there is a MF codec for it (AAC Decoder). I can't find examples of how to use this and I'm finding the MSDN documentation for it cryptic to say the least; anyone had an luck with it?
A C# wrapper for would be ideal.
I have been succesfuly using NAudio for any audio processing and abstraction. It is available as a NuGet. It has wrapper encoders for Media Foundation (and others).
Here is a sample for encoding to AAC and back to WAV using NAudio: