Let me use the following example to explain my question:
public string ExampleFunction(string Variable) {
return something;
string WhatIsMyName = "Hello World"';
string Hello = ExampleFunction(WhatIsMyName);
When I pass the variable "WhatIsMyName" to the example function, I want to be able to get a string of the original variables name. Perhaps something like:
Is there any way to do this?
No. A reference to your string variable gets passed to the funcion--there isn't any inherent metadeta about it included. Even reflection wouldn't get you out of the woods here--working backwards from a single reference type doesn't get you enough info to do what you need to do.
Better go back to the drawing board on this one!
GateKiller, what's wrong with my workaround? You could rewrite your function trivially to use it (I've taken the liberty to improve the function on the fly):
Call it like this:
Thanks for all the responses. I guess I'll just have to go with what I'm doing now.
For those who wanted to know why I asked the above question. I have the following function:
I send it an array of error messages and a css class which is then returned as a string for a webpage.
Every time I call this function, I have to define sType. Something like:
As you can see, my variables is called aErrors and my css class is called errors. I was hoping my cold could figure out what class to use based on the variable name I sent it.
Again, thanks for all the responses.
What you want isn't possible directly but you can use Expressions in C# 3.0:
Note that this relies on unspecified behaviour and while it does work in Microsoft’s current C# and VB compilers, and in Mono’s C# compiler, there’s no guarantee that this won’t stop working in future versions.