A while ago I asked about "Angular.js rendering SVG templates in directives", where I was replacing the DOM nodes that angular makes when rendering templates, with SVG nodes. I got a response that answered it for me, but I realized that I lost all the databindings from angular.
See Plunkr (click update): http://plnkr.co/edit/HjOpqc?p=preview
How do I replace these DOM nodes with SVG nodes, and leave my angular bindings intact? I tried using $compile to make it work (as I've done with regular html), but its just not working.
var svgNS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
app.directive('path', ngSvg('path'));
app.directive('g', ngSvg('g'));
function ngSvg(type) {
return function($timeout, $compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, el, attr) {
//skip nodes if they are already svg
if (el[0].namespaceURI === svgNS) {
// I would expect the chunk of code below to work,
// but it does not with ng-repeat
// var newAttr = {};
// _.each(el[0].attributes, function(at) {
// newAttr[at.nodeName] = at.value;
// });
// var path = makeNode(type, el, newAttr);
// var parent = path.cloneNode(true);
// $compile(parent)(scope);
// var children = el.children();
// $(parent).append(children);
// $timeout(function() {
// el.replaceWith(parent);
// })
// this works for rendering, but does not update the svg elements
// when update is clicked
$timeout(function() {
var newAttr = {};
_.each(el[0].attributes, function(at) {
newAttr[at.nodeName] = at.value;
var path = makeNode(type, el, newAttr);
var parent = path.cloneNode(true);
var children = el.children();
/* Create a shape node with the given settings. */
function makeNode(name, element, settings) {
// var ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
var node = document.createElementNS(svgNS, name);
for (var attribute in settings) {
var value = settings[attribute];
if (value !== null && value !== null && !attribute.match(/\$/) &&
(typeof value !== 'string' || value !== '')) {
node.setAttribute(attribute, value);
return node;
This issue is solved in Angular 1.3 and here is an implementation of some custom svg directives with the behaviors you would expect from an Angular directive. There is now a special requirement is on the directive declaration as follows
templateNamespace: 'svg'
Also notice I am overriding some reserved attributes, for example,
in regards to<rect/>
. To retain more control over these you can leverageng-attr
as such'<rect ng-attr-width="{{ ngWidth }}" />
JSFiddle Link
Here is a custom