I have an image file that's has a white background with a non-white object. I want to find the center of the object using python (Pillow).
I have found a similar question in c++ but no acceptable answer - How can I find center of object?
Similar question, but with broken links in answer - What is the fastest way to find the center of an irregularly shaped polygon? (broken links in answer)
I also read this page but it doesn't give me a useful recipe - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smallest-circle_problem
Edit: The current solution I'm using is this:
def find_center(image_file):
img = Image.open(image_file)
img_mtx = img.load()
top = bottom = 0
first_row = True
# First we find the top and bottom border of the object
for row in range(img.size[0]):
for col in range(img.size[1]):
if img_mtx[row, col][0:3] != (255, 255, 255):
bottom = row
if first_row:
top = row
first_row = False
middle_row = (top + bottom) / 2 # Calculate the middle row of the object
left = right = 0
first_col = True
# Scan through the middle row and find the left and right border
for col in range(img.size[1]):
if img_mtx[middle_row, col][0:3] != (255, 255, 255):
left = col
if first_col:
right = col
first_col = False
middle_col = (left + right) / 2 # Calculate the middle col of the object
return (middle_row, middle_col)
If you define center as Center of Mass, then it is not difficult, although the CoM can be outside of your shape. You can interpret your image as a 2D distribution, and you can find its expected value (CoM) using integration (summation).
If you have numpy it is quite simple. First create a numpy array containing 1 where your image is non-white, then to make it a probability distribution divide it by the total number of ones.
From this point on it turns into basic probability theory. You find the marginal distributions, then you calculate the expected values as if it was a discrete probability distribution.
(cx, cy)
is the CoM you are looking for.Remarks:
m[x, y] = immat[(x, y)] != (255, 255, 255)
tom[x, y] = f(immat[(x, y)])
is an arbitary (non-negative valued) function.np.asarray(im)
, but then be careful with the indicesNo loops:
I would try and find a way to draw a triangle around it, with one point of the triangle at the farthest "points" on the object, and then find the center of that triangle.