Can any one help me to sort this problem?
I have an XML and filtering the values based on some condition. Storing the filtered xml in a variable. While filtering the condition, I'm trying to add an attribute or node to the filtered xml but it is not working for me..
Input XML:
<a id="13">
<a id="2">
<a id="15">
<a id="37">
<a id="51">
Another XML which is stored in a variable called "data" (this is for filtering):
<con id="37" order="1"/>
<con id="13" order="2"/>
<con id="51" order="3"/>
<con id="2" order="4"/>
<con id="15" order="5"/>
Using XSLT, I'm trying to filter & add a element in this way.
<xsl:variable name="filteredData">
<xsl:for-each select="/root/a[@id > 14]">
<xsl:if test="msxsl:node-set($data)/sample/con[@id = current()/@id]/@id = current()/@id">
<xsl:element name="order">
<xsl:value-of select="msxsl:node-set($data)/sample/con[@id = current()/@id]/@order"/>
OUTPUT XML (i.e., "filteredData" variable should contain below XML):
<a id="15">
<a id="37">
<a id="51">
Based on inputs, now I tried & implemented with another form of representation.
New XSLT Code:
Try using a lookup table with the key function as in this example Tip: XSLT Lookup Table
I was able to get the following snippet to produce an xml document which matched your output above. The filtering data in the xslt below has been loaded from a separate document but it should be easy to adapt.