I'm having some troubles using the C++ sources from the Zxing project. I downloaded the whole project from https://code.google.com/p/zxing/downloads/list and just took the cpp files (core and cli).
I just want to have a method like that:
decode(byte[] dataToDecode, int widthFrame, int heightFrame)
but I really don't know how to do it (I'm really new to c++ and Zxing project).
I've done research on the web and found http://wiki.ssrrsummerschool.org/doku.php?id=robocup2012:qrcode-cppexample which was exactly what I needed.
Unfortunately, the Zxing core has changed and now I have some problems because of ArrayRef
Is there an easy way to decode a byte array (RGB) and return a result string ?
Help would be really appreciated,
Problem has been solved by modifying the BufferBitmapSource class example (http://wiki.ssrrsummerschool.org/doku.php?id=robocup2012:qrcode-cppexample) according to Zxing library 2.2.
BufferBitmapSource.cpp Too long to post but can share for those who ask.
test.cpp (main)