I got this idea of expanding my trace() messages.
trace() is all over my code, I want to turn them on/off by a simple command and maybe add some sort of priority functionality to the trace(), i.e.
myTrace.TraceMsg("loosehere",debugme, 0);
myTrace.TraceMsg("winhere",debugme, 1);
And when I run, only the one with the higher priority, "1" in this case, shows.
There is a lot more functionality I would like to add as well, like logging messages to file and so on.
How do trace() work? -Is it possible to overload trace() somehow? -How would I implement the custom TraceMsg(what code here?) method?
Having some serious problems finding info on this subject on our favourite search engine, so any help would be appreciated.
In AS2, it was possible to override the global trace function by doing something like this (taken from memory, might be a bit wrong but the gist of it is there):
Unfortunately I haven't found a way to do the same in AS3. Yet.
you dont need to override it , just create a function in your project and call it trace then any trace call will point to this.trace ;)
Trace is a top-level function, so you can't override it, and as far as I know, it does not fire any events. Since it's a top-level function (not contained in any named package), you can use it without import statements.
Here is an example of a top-level "Tracer" class that you can use in place of trace without import statements.
Just call "Tracer.write" or "Tracer.writeError" for tracing Error objects. "Tracer.write" accepts a variable number of arguments, just like the built-in trace function. "Tracer.writeError" is a helper method that allows you to easily trace Error objects.
-Tracer class definition
-TracerEvent class definition