I am trying to switch the network preference from 3G to 2G/EDGE through code and vice versa. I can able to switch on and off the mobile data connection. Now i need know how to switch between 3G to 2G/EDGE and vice versa through code. can somebody help me here. Thanks in advance.
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As far as I know cannot do this as it is a restricted setting. You need a special permission, to change it. Take a look at this post.
edit: Updated link, working now
I've stumbled upon a way to solve this with reflection and system call commands, and decided to report it even though the thread is old and there are some caveats:
Much of the code is borrowed from / inspired by this answer by ChuongPham.
First we need to get the correct transaction code by getting the value of a declared field of the ITelephony class. Since I suspect the name of the field might be slightly different depending on the platform (for mine the field name is "TRANSACTION_setPreferredNetworkType_96"), I provide a solution that is as flexible as possible:
Next we can use the transaction code in a system call via su:
In my case, I call that method with the 2nd parameter being 1 for 2G, and 10 for 3G preference. The constants for different network types can be found here.
For convenience and completeness I also copy-paste the executeCommandViaSu method from ChuongPham's answer here: