I'm playing around with the cifar10 example from Keras which you can find here. I've recreated the model (i.e., not same file but everything else pretty much the same) and you can find it here.
The model is identical and I train the model for 30 epochs with 0.2 validation split on the 50,000 image training set. I'm not able to understand the result I get. My validation and testing loss is lesser than the training less (inversely, training accuracy is the lower compared to the validation and testing accuracy):
Loss Accuracy Training 1.345 0.572 Validation 1.184 0.596 Test 1.19 0.596
Looking at the plot, I'm not sure why the training error starts increasing again so badly. Do I need to reduce the number of epochs I train for or maybe implement early stopping? Would a different model architecture help? If so, what would be good suggestions?
This is a rare phenomenon but it happens from time to time. There are several reasons why this might be the case: