I am using Google Apps Script to create apps. I encounter issue when I try to remove whitespaces from my spreadsheet value. I have referred alot of posts & comments in stackoverflow and other forum too. They are all talking about using .replace method. However, .replace method does not work for me.
var ItemArray = <<getValue from google spreadsheet>>
var tValue = ItemArray[0][2].toString();
for (var row = 0; row<ItemArray.length; row++)
var TrimmedStrA = ItemArray[row][2].toString().replace(' ', '');
var TrimmedStrB = tValue.replace(' ', '');
if (TrimmedStrA == TrimmedStrB)
<<other code>>
} //end if
} //end of loop
A simple RegExp object should be used in the replace() method. \s is a simple solution to find whitespace. The 'g' provides a global match for instances of whitespace.
This will get you pretty close without knowing what your data looks like.
.replace() documentation here.