Chargify has this Cucumber scenario in their docs.
Scenario: Retrieve a customer via my reference id (as an integer or simple string)
Given I have a customer with these attributes
| reference | first_name | last_name | email |
| 7890 | Joe | Blow | |
When I send a GET request to https://[@subdomain]
Then the response status should be "200 OK"
And the response should be the xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<id type="integer">`auto generated`</id>
<organization>`your value`</organization>
<created_at type="datetime">`auto generated`</created_at>
<updated_at type="datetime">`auto generated`</updated_at>
I'm trying to follow their approach in testing an API we're developing here, instead of checking for the tags one by one, like I we were doing before coming across this example.
So far no luck matching the response's output with the step's multiline string, due to formatting issues. Haven't found a way with Nokogiri nor with simple stripped string comparison.
Is there an elegant (and efficient) way to do this?
Here's the cucumber step using Mark's solution:
Then /^I should see the following output$/ do |xml_output|
response = Hash.from_xml(page.body)
expected = Hash.from_xml(xml_output)
expected.diff(response).should == {}
You can use Hash.from_xml and then compare with Hash.diff. Comparing as hashes eliminates insignificant whitespace from messing up comparisons.
In case you don't want the dependency on ActiveSuport (for instance, if you are outside Rails), you might try the equivalent-xml gem. It allows you to write the above expectation as follows: