I just created Line Chart using chartjs library and I managed to make stroke in gradient color. Here is simple fiddle example what I did so far.
What I need next, is to make pointColor
to follow gradient stroke
and to pick up the current color of it's position. Like on this photo.
Any ideas how to achieve that?
From @AndyHolmes question at Is it possible to add a drop shadow to chart.js line chart?
The original solution (extending) is not required. All that is required is simply
Original Solution
Just extend the line and update the point colors. You could do it in the draw function, but it would be efficient (when you have animation enabled) to do it in initialize function
The pointColor and pointStrokeColor in the lineChartData are actually not required. Note that you could also override the pointHighlightStroke and pointHighlightFill the same way if you wanted to.
You call it like so
Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/w2nh153d/