In my database I have 5 tables:
- game(game_id,name,...)
- tag (tag_id,name,...)
- collection (coll_id,name,...)
- collections_tags (id,coll_id,tag_id)
- game_tag (id,game_id,tag_id)
Every game has many tags, collection has many tags. If i take a collection, I can find its games using the collection's tags.
I'm trying to perform this task with yii relations:
//in Collection's relations:
'tags'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Tag', 'collections_tags(coll_id,tag_id)'),
'games'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Game','tag_id', 'through'=>'tags')
Then I get a $collection and try this:
echo "collection ".$collection->name.": (id=".$collection->coll_id.") has ".count($collection->tags)."tags\n";
echo count($coll->games);//error here
and get an error
What is wrong in the relations?
As you may see here:, the correct declaration of that relation would be as follows: