I want to use FFMPEG to merege multiple audios and one video.
Materials are:
- two short audio clips (short-clip-1.3gp, short-clip-2.3gp),
- one video clip (1.mp4) with sound,
- and one audio clip (1.mp3) that has same duration as the video clip.
Requirement is:
- Remove video clip's sound
- add 1.mp3
- add short-clip-1.3gp at 0 sec timetamp, short-clip-2.3gp at 10 sec timestamp.
The requirement is depicted like below.
<--short-clip-1.3gp time duration--> <--short-clip-2.3gp time duration-->
<-------------------------------------- 1.mp3 ----------------------------------------------------->
<-------------------------------------- 1.mp4 ----------------------------------------------------->
The command I use is as below, but it does not work as expected.
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -i 1.3gp -itsoffset 00:00:10 -i 2.3gp -i 1.mp3 -map 0:v -map 1:a -map 2:a -map 3:a -c:v copy -c:a copy result.mp4
Any hint is appreciated!
You have to mix the audio streams:
Thanks to Mulvya's solution. Here are extra info for how to mix multiple audio stream with delay requirement:
The difficult part is:
. it means 'select 3rd input, give 2,79sec delay and ouput as s2', the 's2' is used in following 'amix' command to generate a '6[mixout]' which is used then in '-map'.