I have a UIView subclass on which the user can add a random CGPath. The CGPath is added by processing UIPanGestures.
I would like to resize the UIView to the minimal rect possible that contains the CGPath. In my UIView subclass, I have overridden sizeThatFits to return the minimal size as such:
- (CGSize) sizeThatFits:(CGSize)size {
CGRect box = CGPathGetBoundingBox(sigPath);
return box.size;
This works as expected and the UIView is resized to the value returned, but the CGPath is also "resized" proportionally resulting in a different path that what the user had originally drawn. As an example, this is the view with a path as drawn by the user:
And this is the view with the path after resizing:
How can I resize my UIView and not "resize" the path?
Use the CGPathGetBoundingBox. From Apple documentation:
Here a small proof-of-concept drawRect methods. Hope it helps you!